Primarul general al Capitalei, Nicuşor Dan, este convins că actualii primari de sectoare vor fi „primii care îşi vor dori” să candideze la conducerea Primăriei Capitalei, în cazul în care el ar fi ales preşedinte al României. Edilul consideră că această aspiraţie este justificată de experienţa pe care aceştia o au în relaţia cu administraţia […]
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Mayor of Bucharest Nicuşor Dan believes that the current sector mayors in Bucharest would be the most qualified candidates to succeed him as the city's mayor if he were to become President of Romania.
He argues that they have valuable experience working with the city's administration, understanding the needs and concerns of citizens, and collaborating with the General City Hall.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Mayor of Bucharest Nicuşor Dan believes that the current sector mayors in Bucharest would be the most qualified candidates to succeed him as the city's mayor if he were to become President of Romania. He argues that they have valuable experience working with the city's administration, understanding the needs and concerns of citizens, and collaborating with the General City Hall.